The Bob Moch Memorial Endowment is established in memory of Bob Moch and his commitment to the coastal community where he lived and worked. Bob was the Business Office Manager at Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) from 2010-2015, during which time he remained a consistent and active supporter of the students of HMSC and the larger community of Newport, Oregon. This endowment is established for the purpose of providing a community service award to outstanding graduate students who are part of HMSC and involved in Oregon coastal communities.
Apply to: HSO President, [email protected]
Closing Date: December 1, 5 p.m. PST
Application Guidance: Nomination letters must be submitted by the deadline. Electronic submission should be as a PDF or MS Word document.
Bob Moch Memorial Endowment Rubric
Bob Moch Endowment Award Scoring Guide
Established Criteria:
Award recipients shall be selected for their active involvement in the Marine Science Center and larger community of Newport. Nominees shall exhibit the following five criteria, as detailed in the nomination letter(s):
Nominee has leadership abilities related to building and strengthening our coastal community, and is a good ambassador for the HMSC.
Examples: Volunteering with students, community organizations or fundraisers/food drives, participating in arts community, beach cleanups, animal shelters, etc.
3: Exhibits leadership in coastal organizations
2: Regular participation but not as a leader or supervisor
1: Has participated in events, occasional participation in organizations
0: Does not demonstrate leadership abilities, is not an active ambassador for HMSC outside the community.
Nominee’s actions reflect high standards of scholarship, citizenship, and fellowship, which reflect positively on their fellow students.
Examples: (May come from letters of recommendation) Hosting a journal club, giving guest lectures, volunteering or supervising events, record of strong publication or presenting at conferences, positive attitude (i.e., smiling face), positive contributor to student organizations and events.
3: Multiple, strong examples demonstrated of positive attitude towards peers, exhibits helpfulness and reaches out to others in need; good academic standing and past scientific presentations, publications, etc.
2: Some examples of positive attitude, helpfulness and good academic standing listed
1: Few or less substantial examples of the above criteria
0: Not in good academic standing,
Resource for Hatfield community members
Nominee contributes to the HMSC community in a number of ways so that the learning experiences of students, faculty and staff are enriched.
Examples: Organising or leading; R User Group, professional development opportunities, seminars, workshops, organizing soccer, walks to safe haven, birding trips, group walks, etc.
3: Long-term organizer or leader of activities listed above in examples
2: Short-term or past leader of some activities listed above, partial organizer
1: Support role, occasional help
0: Occasional participation, no history of organizing events
Resource for non-Hatfield community members
The nominee has engaged in activities that enhance learning for others within our local community and is an active member of the coastal community outside of HMSC.
Examples: Public presentations, science pubs, seminars, tours, library events, high school events, spelling bees, Salmon Bowl, coaching sports, volunteering/working at the aquarium, art communities, cookoffs
3: Long-term organizer or leader of activities listed above in examples
2: Short-term or past leader of some activities listed above, partial organizer
1: Support role, occasional help
0: Occasional participation, no history of organizing events
The nominee conducts and promotes activities as a sharing, caring and educational endeavor, and not for personal gain.
3: The letter strongly demonstrates multiple examples of the nominee both embodying these qualities and encouraging them in others. Multiple examples of enthusiasm, dedication, passion, etc.
2: Exhibits qualities of enthusiasm, dedication and passion
1: Generic statements to these regards
0: No statement about these characteristics