User Resources

Guidance for New Users


To gain access to the iLab, please do the following:

  1. Complete all of the required safety training listed below.
  2. After training is complete, coordinate with the iLab Manager at to schedule a lab orientation and safety tour.


Required Safety Courses & Quizzes for OSU Employees and Students

Lab Access

The Innovation Lab is accessible Tuesday through Friday during normal working hours (8 am -5 pm).

Once training and orientation are completed members have direct access to use the shop space. Projects should be coordinated with iLab staff and short- and long-term projects can be arranged on an as-need basis.

If you need to use the space outside the regular hours, please contact the lab manager.

Access to Shared Use Tools

  • A list of shared use tools is available at the iLab Capabilities page.
  • Contact the lab manager to schedule training on specific pieces of equipment.
  • Training will be schedule on an as need basis and may not be immediately available. Please plan ahead and contact the iLab.

Additional Helpful Links