Research Labs

The Cetacean Conservation and Genomics Laboratory conducts research on whales, dolphins and porpoises with an eye towards the conservation of several species of marine mammals.

The GEMM Lab focuses on the ecology, behavior, health, and conservation of marine megafauna, including cetaceans, pinnipeds, seabirds and sharks.

At the Lab for Animal Behavioural Interaction Research In The Ocean (LABIRINTO), we are interested in mapping the network that behavioral and ecological interactions form to understand their nature and to measure their consequences for individual organisms, their populations, their communities, and the ecosystems around us all.

The Marine Mammal Bioacoustics and Ecology Lab (MMBEL) uses passive acoustic monitoring to eavesdrop on vocalizing marine mammals and understand spatiotemporal presence and behavior, as well as human-caused threats. Visit MMBEL's website.

The Ocean Ecology Lab studies animal movement, foraging ecology, health, and population dynamics to support the science-based management of threatened species.

The Stranding Network encompasses observations of marine mammal stranding events, and the systematic collection, analysis and archiving of stranding data and biological samples.