Story Time

Enjoy listening to this collection of engaging and endearing stories that celebrate ocean life, curiosity, and scientific adventure. Click on a title to learn more and a link to listen.

Shark Lady:  The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Became the Ocean’s Most Fearless Scientist  |  Hello My Name Is…How Adorabilis Got His Name  |  What is a Scientist?  |  Rosa Pionera, Ingeniera  |  Ada Magnífíca, Científica | MSD 2021 Story Time Playlist

Curious about the Guin Library at HMSC?


A lounge area in a library with two couches, two arm chairs. Books and desks are in the background.

The Guin Library is open to the public Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm. All Oregon residents are eligible for an OSU Convenience Card. You can find more information about visiting the Guin Library here.

Summer Reading Program


A drawing of a park with people reading books, visiting and exploring. The words Read Beyond the Beaten Path titles the picture.

Check out your local Oregon public library for information about the summer reading program!

In Lincoln County visit: Newport Public Library, Driftwood Public Library (Lincoln City), Siletz Public Library, Toledo Public Library, Waldport Public Library.


Book cover for Shark Lady. Illustration of a woman with long dark hair wearing a diving suit underwater near a shark.

Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Became the Ocean's Most Fearless Scientist

Read by: MaryKay Dahlgreen, District Director, Lincoln County Library District

Written by: Jess Keating

Illustrated by: Marta Álvarez Miguéns

Eugenie Clark fell in love with sharks from the first moment she saw them at the aquarium. She couldn't imagine anything more exciting than studying these graceful creatures. But Eugenie quickly discovered that many people believed sharks to be ugly and scary―and they didn't think women should be scientists.

Determined to prove them wrong, Eugenie devoted her life to learning about sharks. After earning several college degrees and making countless discoveries, Eugenie wrote herself into the history of science, earning the nickname "Shark Lady." Through her accomplishments, she taught the world that sharks were to be admired rather than feared and that women can do anything they set their minds to.

Book cover for Hello my name Adorabilis got his name. A cartoon image of a tiny pink and white octopus in the ocean.

Hello My Name is...How Adorabilis Got His Name

Read by: MaryKay Dahlgreen, District Director, Lincoln County Library District

Written by: Maris Polansky

Illustrated by: Joey Chou

In the summer of 2015, an adorable new species of octopus was discovered on the ocean floor―this story imagines how this cute creature got his name.

Deep down in the water lives an octopus small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. But he doesn’t have a name! Anglerfish is named for his hook like an angler, Mimic Octopus for her ability to change shape and color, and Giant Squid is GIANT! But this little guy doesn’t have the same abilities as the other creatures. What could his name be?




Book cover for What is a Scientist? A photo of a young girl looking into a jar filled with liquid, making notes.

What is a Scientist?

Read by: Mary Markland, Director, HMSC Guin Library

Written by: Barbara Lehn

Photographs by: Carol Krauss

See children engaged in the various activities that make up the scientific process: asking questions, noticing details, drawing what they see and more.



Book cover for Rosa Pionera, Ingeniera. An illustration with a young girl, standing on letters, with pieces of toys, rulers, and tools. A man is floating at the top of the cover with ballon pants.

Read by Cynthia Resendiz, Director, Oregon Coast STEM Hub

Ingeniera de: Andrea Beaty

Illustraciones de: David Roberts

Por timidez, no se atrevía a decir nada, rebuscaba en la basura y recogía cachivaches que atesoraba. Con ellos construía sus inventos, pero nadie podía ver sus descubrimientos. Todo siguió igual hasta que el otoño llegó y su pariente más antigua se presentó. ¡Su tía-bisabuela Rosie! Y a Rosa se le ocurrió una idea de lo más atrevida: construir un artefacto para hacer volar a su tía.

Where some people see rubbish, Rosie Revere sees inspiration. Alone in her room at night, shy Rosie constructs great inventions from odds and ends. Hot dog dispensers, helium pants, python-repelling cheese hats: Rosie's gizmos would astound - if she ever let anyone see them. Afraid of failure, she hides them away under her bed. Until a fateful visit from her great-great-aunt Rose who shows her that a first flop isn't something to fear - it's something to celebrate.



Book cover for Ada Magnifica, Cientifica. A girl wearing protective goggles is writting notes and math equations that cover the background of the book cover.

Ada Magnífica, Científica

Read by Martha Varo, Arcoíris Cultural Center

Ingeniera de: Andrea Beaty

Illustraciones de: David Roberts

¿Por qué hace tac y por qué hace tic? ¿Por qué tienes pelos en la nariz? Ada Magnífica tiene la cabeza llena de preguntas. Como sus compañeros de clase Pedro y Rosa, Ada siempre ha sentido una curiosidad insaciable. Pero cuando lleva demasiado lejos sus exploraciones y sus complicados experimentos científicos, sus padres se hartan y la mandan al rincónde pensar. ¿Tanto pensar le hará cambiar de opinión?

Ada has always been endlessly curious. Even when her fact-finding missions and elaborate scientific experiments don't go as planned, Ada learns the value of thinking her way through problems and continuing to stay curious.


Special thanks to the HMSC Guin Library, Lincoln County Library District, Newport Public Library, Oregon State University Libraries Press, and the Oregon Coast STEM Hub for supporting Marine Science Day Story Time.