Information & Sign Up
Note: Open dates on the calendar do not confirm that the HMSC car is available for use. Please fill out the HMSC Motor Pool Car Reservation Request Form and wait to receive confirmation before finalizing your plans.
New Users
First-time users will need to fill out a Driver Authorization Form and return it to the Director’s Office for approval before reserving the HMSC motor pool car. The Director’s Office will send the form to the OSU motor pool in Corvallis.
Where to Park at OSU
The HMSC motor pool car has parking privileges on the OSU Corvallis campus in A, B or C lots - but NOT in BR or CR designated areas of those lots.
Complete Driving Log
The HMSC motor pool car has log forms inside to fill out for each use. Please return completed forms to the Director’s Office mailbox in the mailroom.
Scheduling Questions
For any scheduling questions, please email HMSC Scheduling or call (541) 867-0203.