Title: Research Assistant
Oregon State University
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Dr.
Newport, Oregon 97365
B.S. Undergraduate – Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, expected graduation 2015
Research Interests: Avian conservation and ecology, animal behavior, endangered species conservation, wildlife resource management, insect toxicology and parasitology.
Biography: As an E-campus undergraduate student I have been afforded the luxury of a mobile classroom from which I can attain a degree. This has allowed me to travel and live throughout the Pacific Northwest while still being a part of academia at Oregon State University. My recent wanderings have led me to roost in Newport, Oregon, where under the tutelage of Dr. Suryan and his crew my education and experience with wildlife research is being refined and mastered. The work conducted here in the Seabird Oceanography Lab not only furthers the knowledge base of the scientific community at large, but also my professional development as a future member of said community.