Eliza Wesemann, Tufted Puffin Bill-Load Photography Technician, Cannon Beach, Oregon
Travolis Williams, FWCS View Fellow, Projects: Reproduction of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon. Diet of river otters in Southern Oregon.
Colton Veltkamp, Leach's Storm-Petrel Predator Seasonal Field Technician, southern Oregon coast
Aya Attal, NSF-REU, Project: Colony differences in diets of Common Murres
Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University and Bureau of Land Management. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Maria Nanau, FWCS Intensive Internship, Predation on Leach's Storm-petrels by River Otters.
Clara Oliverson, Tufted Puffin Bill-Load Photography Technician, Cannon Beach, Oregon
Eleanor Gnam, Leach's Storm-Petrel Predator Seasonal Field Technician, southern Oregon coast
Jacque McKay, NSF-REU, Project: Provisioning rates and diets of Common Murres
Entenecia Cardenas-Ritzert, Doris Duke Scholar, Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon
Ricardo Rodriguez, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University and Bureau of Land Management. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Sam Eberhard, Tufted Puffin Bill-Load Photography Technician, Cannon Beach, Oregon
Sofia Franco Cruz, NSF-REU, Project: Foraging ecology of Adelie Penguins
Ella Callahan, NSF-REU, Project: Foraging environment of Adelie Penguins
Andrea Robles, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University and Bureau of Land Management. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Samantha Huffman, STEM Leaders, Oregon State University. Project: Counting albatrosses from high resolution satellite imagery.
Edward Kim, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University and Bureau of Land Management. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Laney Klunis, NSF-REU, Project: Contrasting patterns in reproductive success of sympatric cormorant species.
Aidan Cox, NSF-REU, Project: Foraging ecology and preyscape of Adelie Penguins
Taylor Ozimek, URSA Engage Intern, Oregon State University. Project: Use of nest cameras to study the reproductive ecology of pigeon guillemots.
Jason Piasecki, Project: Prevalence of microplastics in beaches seabirds along the central Oregon coast.
Robert Vargas, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University and Bureau of Land Management. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Cassidy Turner, URSA Engage Intern, Oregon State University. Project: Reproduction and phenology of common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon
Ray Martin, CAS Beginning Researcher, Oregon State University. . Project: Reproduction and nest attendance of western gulls.
Christian Cortez, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University and Bureau of Land Management. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Alyssa Nelson, Project: Quantifying top-down effects of bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) disturbances on a common murre (Uria aalge) colony
Melaine Birch, Project: Diet of western gulls on the Oregon coast.
Mackenzie Weber, Project: Variation in phenology and reproductive success of three cormorant species in central Oregon.
Ana Medina, Project: Provisioning rates of common murres.
Alayna Lawson, CAS Beginning Undergraduate Researcher. Project: Reproduction and foraging ecology of western gulls nesting in different habitats on the central Oregon coast.
Ana Medina, Provisioning rates of common murres.
Alayna Lawson, CAS Beginning Undergraduate Researcher. Project: Reproduction and foraging ecology of western gulls nesting in different habitats on the central Oregon coast.
Isabel Justiniano, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University and Bureau of Land Management. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Denisse Silva, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University and Bureau of Land Management. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres and cormorants at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Oscar Garzon, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Carlos Lerma, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Ian Throckmorten, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. Projects: Low-impact monitoring methods of burrow nesting seabirds. At-sea habitat use by seabirds off Central Oregon.
Lucila Fernandez, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Alessandra Jimenez, National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduate program. Project: Spatial and temporal variation in the diet of the Common Murre (Uria aalge) in the California Current System.
Ian Throckmorten, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. Projects: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon. Low-impact monitoring methods of burrow nesting seabirds. At-sea habitat use by seabirds off Central Oregon.
Stephanie Loredo, Environment for the Americas, Oregon State University, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon and Community Education
Cherry Alexander, Oregon State University. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Coquille Point, Oregon
Emma Nelson, National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduate program. Project: The hunger games: provisioning rates and implications for common murre (Uria aalge) chicks.
Sheena Wheeler, Oregon State University. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Cape Meares, Oregon
Laura Filliger, National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduate program. Project: Interannual variation and seasonal changes in black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) diets?
Alexandra Gulick, Oregon State University. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon
Cheryl Horton, Oregon State University. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon
Adrian Lohr, Oregon State University. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon
Leah Segui, National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduate program. Project: Species composition and energy density of black rockfish Sebastes melanops diets off Newport, Oregon.
Amanda Stewart, National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduate program. Project: Factors affecting intra-colony variation in reproduction of common murres, Uria aalge.
Hannah Waters, National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduate program. Project: Common murre diets and effects of ocean conditions on breeding success.
Amanda Gladics, Department of Natural Resources, Oregon State University. Project: Reproduction and diets of Common murres at Yaquina Head, Oregon.
Kirsten Heesacker, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. Project: Outreach display for Oregon Sea Grant visitor center.