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Tsunami Evacuation Walk to Safe Haven Hill
Thursday, October 17 at 10:17 a.m.
As part of the international Great ShakeOut, the Hatfield community is holding an earthquake and tsunami evacuation walk to Safe Haven Hill on Oct 17 at 10:17 a.m.
Each year, we hold drills to all three South Beach evacuation assembly areas:
- Fall to Safe Haven Hill
- Spring to Oregon Coast Community College
- Summer to the Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building rooftop
These walks are a ideal time to evaluate how long it takes you to get out of your building, confirm the route to one of areas' evacuation sites, and reassess your personal evacuation plans.
The Safe Haven Hill disaster cache will be open for viewing, and volunteers will be on hand to answer questions. Plan for about 30 min for participation. Everyone at Hatfield is \encouraged to join us.
Drill Details:
- For those at Hatfield, at 10:17 a.m., you will be alerted to the start of the walk via Hatfield Alert text/email message (fire alarms will not sound for this event). If you don’t receive a start message, don’t wait, start the earthquake and evacuation drill at 10:17 a.m.
- Duck | Cover | Hold and then when it is safe - GO!
- Follow the tsunami drill signs up to Safe Haven Hill. Please note that Highway 101 will NOT be closed for this event, so go under the bridge to get up to the hill. But remember, in a real event, cross over 101 at the Motel 6 parking lot.
Everyone in the South Beach area is welcome to join us.
- Agency, local businesses, and nonprofit personnel are encouraged to participate, but please look for specific information from your leadership.
- As part of the Great ShakeOut, Oregon Coast Aquarium will also host a tsunami drill to OCCC at 9 a.m. on Oct. 16, and all are welcome to join.

If you are new to our seismic risk here on the coast, please talk with your supervisor or Cinamon Moffett for more information. Our goal is for you to feel informed and ready, so please don’t hesitate to ask questions.
HMSC Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness
Welcome to the HMSC Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness web page. Here you will find the HMSC Tsunami Evacuation Map, Emergency Operations Plan, Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and other resources to help you get ready for an emergency tsunami evacuation. Please review the linked resources, and if you have questions, comments or additions, please contact the HMSC Director's Office.
HMSC is proud to be a Tsunami Ready supporter. Learn more about Tsunami Ready Communities.
HMSC has conducted tsunami evacuation drills for over 10 years. Participation in these drills are an essential step in preparing individuals to survive and our community to recover quickly from a major earthquake and tsunami. HMSC conducts two tsunami evacuation drills each year, in October (to Safe Haven Hill, in conjunction with the Great Shake Out) and in March (to Community College Hill). Learn more and register for the Great Oregon Shake Out.
- HMSC Tsunami Evacuation Map
- HMSC Safety Training Onboarding Video
- Earthquake and Tsunami Community Disaster Cache Planning Guide 2021 (pdf)
- Cascadia Earthquake Preparedness
- Great Oregon Shake Out
- National Preparedness Month website
- Tsunami Safety Checklist and Survival Kit Supplies List by the Red Cross
- Living on Shaky Ground, How to Survive Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Oregon, a total safety publication by Oregon Emergency Management
- Visit to learn more about emergency preparedness for any natural disaster.
Submit an HMSC Work Order Request Form to secure items in your workspace; for all buildings except USFWS, ODFW and EPA.