Science on Tap

Join Hatfield Science on Tap onsite or online. Talk begins at 6 p.m., Social hour 5-6 p.m.

A sea star clings to a rocky surface underwater. Purple irchins also dot the rocky area.

Join us, Wed., Nov. 13

Shifting Nearshore Ocean Conditions

About This Talk

Nearshore ocean conditions are changing along the west coast of North America. These recent shifts in ocean drivers have contributed to broad-scale impacts to marine and estuarine habitats, including unfortunate consequences for several of Oregon’s marine Species of Greatest Conservation Need.

This talk will summarize ongoing work to characterize the status and historic changes to the complex community of bull kelp, abalone, sea urchins, and sea stars within Oregon’s rocky reef habitats. Considered together, the magnitude of ecological change is unprecedented in recorded history. Do the current communities represent a shifting baseline or “new normal” for Oregon’s rocky reef habitats? Will the community continue to respond and adapt into an alternative stable-state? Or is it possible to help enhance abalone, sea stars, and kelp to assist with recovery?

Guest Speaker

Dr. Steven Rumrill

Since 2010, Steve Rumrill has led the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's (ODFW) shellfish program. The program is part of the ODFW Marine Resources program based in Newport, Tillamook, Astoria and Coos Bay. It is responsible for monitoring and managing recreational and commercial shellfish fishing and shellfish habitat research along the entire Oregon coast.

Rumrill is trained as a marine invertebrate zoologist specializing in the conservation of populations of shellfish and sustainable habitat management.

Onsite Details

Location: Hatfield Marine Science Center, Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building, Carmen Ford Phillips Auditorium

Social Hour: 5 to 6 p.m. Food and beverages are available for purchase.

Talk Begins: 6 p.m.


Online Details

Join the webinar online.

Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

    +1 971 247 1195 US (Portland)

    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Webinar ID: 992 7706 9348


An auditorim with wooden beanch seats and a mosaic mural on the walls.

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Science on Tap is a free, family-friendly event in a casual environment featuring a host of scientists talking about the latest ocean research.

This speaker series runs monthly from September to June. Look for new events on this page, our social media accounts, the Hatfield events calendar on the home page, or the OSU events calendar.