HMSC Mailroom Hazardous Materials

For Hatfield Mailroom support, contact Tami O’Connor at 541-867-0203 or [email protected].

Shipping Hazardous Materials



What is a Hazardous Material or Dangerous Good?

Hazardous materials are substances or materials that have been determined by the U.S. Department of Transportation to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported in commerce. Individuals packaging and shipping hazardous materials, also referred to as Dangerous Goods or DG by carriers, are required by federal law to have special training and certification. Severe civil and even criminal penalties may be incurred by individuals who improperly ship DG. 

Our certified, trained professionals handle DG and hazardous material shipping to any destination, and ensure compliance with state and federal regulations.  Only trained personnel from the Hatfield Mailroom are authorized to approve packaging and ship hazardous materials from the Hatfield campus.

Hazardous material/dangerous goods include any substance that is:

  • Flammable
  • Corrosive
  • Reactive
  • Oxidizing
  • Explosive
  • Toxic
  • Radioactive and biologically infectious materials
  • Compressed gasses

Some commonly shipped examples include:

  • Batteries
  • Specimens preserved in a solvent (ethanol, formaldehyde)
  • Lab chemicals/samples
  • Dry ice
  • Common household items such as spray paint, cleaners, perfume, etc.

Are you shipping one of these materials? If so, it may be a dangerous good and needs special packaging and shipping. Please call the Hatfield Mailroom for further guidance at 541-867-0203.

Extra care to ship Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods

Before attempting to ship any potentially Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods, please be advised that there is extra time involved so you must plan ahead. Never ship a material you suspect is hazardous without going through the Hatfield Mailroom. Only trained and certified personnel are authorized to approve packaging and ship ANY hazardous shipments from HMSC.  

Please consult with Hatfield Mailroom personnel well in advance of your shipment for packing requirements and further instructions. Take the following steps to ensure a smooth process:

  • Obtain a Safety Data Sheet and review the shipping section (usually section 14) for shipping info. A material that says Not Regulated, N/A, or Not Dangerous Goods in this section is safe to ship as a normal material.
  • Look for a UN#.  If there is a UN# listed, it will be regulated. Please contact the Hatfield Mailroom and provide the Safety Data Sheet for a consultation and packing requirements. If a material is regulated, you must bring the "open" box along with the completed HMSC Hazmat Shipping Form to the Hatfield Mailroom for processing. This form is also available in the mailroom.

**IMPORTANT WHEN RECEIVING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - DO NOT attempt to return a shipment yourself after it has been signed for. It must be properly repacked and reshipped**

When in doubt, please contact Tami O’Connor in the Hatfield Mailroom for questions and advice at [email protected] or 541-867-0203.

Additional Resources
