For Hatfield Mailroom support, contact Tami O’Connor at 541-867-0203 or [email protected].
General Information
The Hatfield Marine Science Center Mailroom is located on the first floor of the Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building (GVMSB), located at 2030 SE Marine Science Drive, Bldg # 916.
Tami O’Connor
[email protected]
- Hatfield Mailroom access is available on Monday - Friday from 8 am – 5 pm.
- The Hatfield Mailroom follows the university calendar, observing all university closures and holidays.
- The Hatfield Mailroom will be locked and inaccessible after hours and on weekends.
- Mailing and shipping services, including USPS, UPS and FedEx will continue to be available and must be charged to an Index number.
- There is a variety of free Priority Mail and flat-rate boxes for UPS and FedEx available for use if needed.
- COMING SOON: Shipping Support Offered
- For a nominal fee, Hatfield Mailroom personnel are available to process your shipment for you.
- There will be a new shipping form to complete for all shipments from Hatfield to ensure all the information needed to properly send and bill for packages is captured. It will be available online, as well as in the Hatfield Mailroom. HMSC Shipping Form
- Only trained and certified personnel are authorized to approve packaging and shipment of ANY hazardous materials from Hatfield. Hazardous shipments include batteries, specimens preserved in a solvent (alcohol, formaldehyde), lab chemicals/samples and packages with dry ice.
- Please contact Hatfield Mailroom personnel at [email protected] if you are planning to ship anything hazardous.
Additional Information
Mailboxes or bins are assigned to individuals or departments for incoming mail and deliveries.
Mail is not received, sorted, or delivered during holidays. Mail services will resume the next business day after a campus closure or national holiday when mail is not received.
Personal mail and packages can only be added to outgoing items if it is already properly labeled and addressed.