To enable synchronous sampling of larval fishes and their zooplankton prey, we coupled two existing net sampling systems (Biological Environmental Sampling System Inc.) to form a new, coupled MOCNESS. This involved joining a system with large mouth and large mesh nets (a MOCNESS 4 m2) with a smaller mouth and smaller mesh net system (MOCNESS 1 m2) to form a double, synchronous opening/closing net system within a single frame. Our recent projects involve sampling with the coupled MOCNESS alternating with ISIIS sampling to enable the examination of biological specimens in the context of their fine-scale planktonic environment.

Equipment description:

Guigand CM, Cowen RK, Llopiz JK, Richardson DE. 2005. A coupled asymmetrical multiple opening-closing net with an environmental sampling system. Mar Tech Soc J 39: 22-24

Publications combining MOCNESS and ISIIS sampling:

Gleiber MR, Sponaugle S, Robinson KL, Cowen RK. 2020. Food web constraints on larval growth in subtropical coral reef and pelagic fishes. Mar Ecol Progr Ser