Robert M. Suryan


Title: Adjunct Associate Professor
Phone: (907) 789-6065
E-mail: rob.suryan(at)

NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Auke Bay Laboratories/Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute
17109 Pt. Lena Loop Rd.
Juneau, Alaska 99801


Ph.D. – Wildlife Science, Oregon State University, 2006.
M.S. – Marine Science, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, 1995.
B.S. – Wildlife Management, Humboldt State University, 1989.

Interests/Expertise: Marine ecosystem processes, food web dynamics, foraging ecology, population dynamics, human-resource interactions, education.

For the past 20 years, I have studied the effects of environmental forcing on the reproductive biology, foraging ecology, and population dynamics of marine birds and mammals.  I enjoy participating in integrated ecosystem studies working with physical, biological, and fisheries oceanographers and developing programs to integrate and model predator response to changing prey availability or ocean climate.  I use state of the art electronics to study foraging, migration, and dive patterns of seabirds and integrate these data with in-situ and remotely-sensed measures of prey resources or their proxies. I have applied results from many of these studies to address seabird-fishery interactions, identification of marine important bird areas, and other aspects of marine spatial planning. 

Although, I am no longer at Oregon State University, I still collaborate with those in the Seabird Oceanography Lab.  My primary focus is currently as the Science Coordinator for Gulf Watch Alaska Long-Term Ecoystem Monitoring Program and Research Ecologist for the NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center

Curriculum Vitae